2019 Resolutions


The official policy statements of the National Federation of the Blind of Iowa are established every year with annual resolutions adopted at the state convention.

The resolutions committee meets early during the convention. Each proposed resolution is read, spoken for by the authoring member, considered, and then ultimately withdrawn or recommended for passage or disapproval by the Convention.

Resolution 2019-01: Regarding Support Of 4Plus Program Proposed By Iowa Department for the Blind Web Version Word Document Version
Resolution 2019-02: Regarding Community-based apartment living for students in the Adult Adjustment to Blindness Center training program. Web Version Word Document Version
Resolution 2019-03: Regarding Support Of Disability Rights Iowa’s Efforts Guaranteeing Equal Rights For People With Disabilities Incarcerated In Iowa’s Correctional Facilities Web Version Word Document Version

Resolution 2019-01: Regarding Support Of 4Plus Program Proposed By Iowa Department for the Blind

WHEREAS, many blind secondary education students in Iowa complete four years of high school, having met the academic requirements of their Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, but without meeting IEP goals or transition needs in the areas of living, learning or working; and

WHEREAS, more and more secondary students served by the Iowa Department for the Blind lack the basic self-care skills to participate in the Department’s adult adjustment to blindness training program or develop alternative techniques for performing tasks most people perform using vision; and

WHEREAS, the Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (IESBVI) currently operates a 4plus program in Council Bluffs that cannot meet the needs of all students needing these services and has asked the Iowa Department for the Blind to establish a program in Des Moines to serve those students still needing help; and

WHEREAS, instituting a 4plus program at the Iowa Department for the Blind would fulfill the mandates of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), and ready students to participate in the Department’s Adult Adjustment to Blindness Program, move on to post-secondary education, or obtain competitive, integrated employment as quickly and efficiently as possible:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Iowa in convention assembled this 26th day of October, 2019 in the city of Urbandale that this organization wholeheartedly supports establishment of a 4plus program at the Iowa Department for the Blind; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this organization will support establishment of a 4plus program by seeking additional funds requested by the Iowa Department for the Blind through the legislative process; and

BE It FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Iowa Commission for the Blind Board and to Governor Kim Reynolds.

Adopted October 26, 2019

Resolution 2019-02: Regarding Community-based apartment living for students in the Adult Adjustment to Blindness Center training program.

WHEREAS, all students at the Iowa Department for the Blind’s Adult Adjustment to Blindness Center are adults, many of whom have lived on their own prior to training, and meet certain criteria to be eligible for the Center’s programs; and

WHEREAS, apartment living is more typical for adults than dormitory living; and

WHEREAS, living off-campus during training provides more opportunities for students to use the skills of blindness they learn at the Center in daily life situations, relate to each other and members of the community in typical ways, and gain confidence in their abilities in the real world; and

WHEREAS, most similar programs across the nation, including the NFB’s three private programs, house students in apartments and have done so for more than 30 years; and

WHEREAS, moving students of the Adult Adjustment to Blindness Center will open dormitory space for participants in 4plus, and shorter-stay programs such as Independent Living Integration, Self-Week, and LEAP weekend retreats:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Iowa in convention assembled this 26th day of October, 2019 in Urbandale that this organization supports the Iowa Department for the Blind’s plan to move students of the Adult Adjustment to Blindness Center into community-based apartments DURING TRAINING to enhance their experience; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Iowa Commission for the Blind board and to Governor Kim Reynolds.

Adopted October 26, 2019

Resolution 2019-03: Regarding Support Of Disability Rights Iowa’s Efforts Guaranteeing Equal Rights For People With Disabilities Incarcerated In Iowa’s Correctional Facilities

WHEREAS, Disability Rights Iowa is an organization that defends the legal rights of Iowans with mental and physical disabilities; and

WHEREAS, Disability Rights Iowa is currently involved in an effort to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities who are incarcerated in Iowa’s correctional facilities are protected under the Americans With Disabilities Act; and

WHEREAS, among these are several blind and visually impaired inmates who have encountered difficulties obtaining equal treatment such as being unable to use the phone system because the phone card of instructions is inaccessible, and officers on duty at the facility do not provide help: NOW THEREFORE,

BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the National Federation of the Blind of Iowa in convention assembled this 27th day of October in the city of Urbandale that this organization applauds and supports the efforts of Disability Rights Iowa in securing equal rights for persons with disabilities who are incarcerated in Iowa’s correctional facilities; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to Disability Rights Iowa.

Adopted October 27, 2019